Dear Nina and Lennart,

Thank you for your prompt responses.

It is the Pali text of Pv-a that I'm after, not Pv. I have access to
Hardy's PTS edition (now out of print) and the Burmese Chaṭṭha
Saṅgāyana e-text, and am trying to get hold of the Simon Hewavitarne
Bequest edition so that I can collate variants.

It looks like I'm going to have to be patient with this one. When I
eventually manage to find it and collate the text, I will produce an
electronic version and make it available. It's a relatively minor
text, and an aṭṭhakathā at that, so I can't leave it to the
initiatives of others.


On 27 Apr 2010, at 19:53, Lennart Lopin wrote:

> Hi Tomo,
> I know of a group of Sri Lankan Buddhists who are trying to work out
> a deal
> with Google to actually get these and other old Sinhalese Buddhist
> texts
> scanned and digitized. If you like more on their efforts, drop me an
> email.
> Besides that, the only thing you can really do is look for these
> books at
> online bookstores like
> Redins Antiquariat
> But as Nina mentioned, if you are just looking for no particular Pali
> edition and just the text then will have what you
> need.
> Here the direct link:
> much metta,
> Lennart
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]