Sabrinap wrote:
If you compare the Bhikkhuni Patimokkha with the Bhikkhu Patimokkha, you can
see that beyond the numer of rules thay are the same. It means, that there
are not more duties for women than men. By the way, the first nuns was
attacked living outside temple as monks, and they were also blanks of

Hi Sabrinap

I am not sure I would agree with you that they are the same. Once example is
the monks have only 4 Parajika rules, but the women have 8, twice the number
of the men.

For a nun to touch a man lustfully it is a parajika offence. Yet for a monk
to touch a woman lustfully it is only a sanghadisesa offence.

Maybe the rule is the same, in this instance, but the punishment is far
greater for the nuns.


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