
On 3 March 2010 15:12, Peter Tomlinson <gnanayasa@...> wrote:

> I'm sorry but this is the Buddha we are talking about here. If you have a
> problem with grasping he is Sammasambuddha then you just don't get it. He is
> no longer a mere human. What rules he laid down are for the benefit of
> mankind and the gods for a long long time. Not for political correctness
> which is a product of worldly knowledge. Lord Buddha is supramundane and you
> either believe that or you don't.
> A Buddha is incapable of offending any sentient being for ill purposes. It
> therefore follows that the rules he laid down in the Vinaya are indeed just
> what is claimed-for the BENEFIT of all..
> For the benefit of all sentient beings, which last time I looked includes
> women.
> Pete Tomlinson
Hi Pete

But the rules clearly favour men.
There is a gurudhamma rule that a woman ordained for 100 years has to bow
down to a monk ordained for 1 day. The determining factor is gender, so how
can this not be gender bias? ie favouring one gender over another.


Hi. that is a very good point too. thanks.



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