"Hence, Buddhism only teaches rebirth. In this case, there is no single
fixed entity that is reborn. However, there is the conditioning (note:
not pre-determination and not randomness) of the future life by the
present life.

My question is whether the Buddha made an explicitly detailed sermon of
this in the Tipitaka. If not, how does someone interested in this topic
conduct a systematic study? Thank you."

A systematic study into the teaching of 'araha.m sammaasambuddho' must commence with the the Four Noble Truths, and if one wishes to go deeper into 'pa.ticcasamuppaado idappaccayataa.' This is the dhamma that he became (adhigama) on attaining 'sammaasambodhi.'

The word 'ponobhavikaa' occurs in the 2nd Ariyan truth. In the Dhammacakkappavattana sutta we find the punbbhavo. Personally I have not come across the word punajjaati (=rebirth).

Again when one understands the PS (pa.ticcasamuppaada) one is a stream-enterer (sotapanna).

A super journey to undertake.

D. G. D. C. Wijeratna

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