dictionary uses: cankers

B.bodhi uses: taints
thanissaro: fermentations (also effluents?)

I prefer either canker or taint myself, probably canker because the
meaning is very clear, that there is something undesirable festering
within us.
fermentations doesn't strike me the same way. I think of making beer, or
the fermented foods like tempeh, sauerkraut, yogurt. It doesn't have a
negative connotation, in fact the first impression is positive.

effluents? I'm a fluent english speaker and I didn't know that word. Had
to look that one up. Effluent? I thought it had something to do with
language (as in fluency), or something to do with "affluence".

I mean no disrespect, and I have a great deal of appreciation for the
prolific number of english translations he made freely available, but
sometimes Thanissaro's word translation choices completely confound me.

Thoughts? Which translation do you guys think is best?

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