Dear Lennart and all,

sorry for the interruption, but the Unicode is not showing up. If you can discuss how you had inserted the text, because that would be helpful to Frank and myself, who are trying to understand how well supported Unicode is with Yahoo! Groups. Thank you.

Yong Peng.

--- In, Lennart L wrote:

`Ujuṃ janapado rāja, himavantassa passato;
Dhanavīriyena sampanno, kosalesu [kosalassa (syā. ka.)] niketino.

``Ādiccā [ādicco (ka.)] nāma gottena, sākiyā [sākiyo (ka.)] nāma jātiyā;

Tamhā kulā pabbajitomhi, na kāme abhipatthayaṃ.