Now I've been going through a few suttas, taking my notes keeping an
html table with two columns, left column english (usually thanissaro's
from ATI), the right column pali (usually from worldtipitaka or DPR).
With the few pali key words that I know, and punctuation marks between
pali and english to find where they match up, I break it up into
paragraph chunks matching it up in rows/chunks so that corresponding
(small digestible chunks for a beginner) sections are in a row.

Then this idea came to me. Say for example, which has an english translation for every single one of the
152 suttas in [M. nikaya], suppose they allow a team of volunteers to
add numeric tags to each sutta, corresponding exactly with the paragraph
numbers that show up in DPR pali. With the numeric tags in pali and
english, it would be trivial for a programmer to set up two windows to
show pali and english side by side with small corresponding chunks
matching up.

If there are pali literate people willing to drop in those paragraph
numbers, I'd be willing to write code to display pali and english
numbered paragraphs side by side. If we can't obtain permission, I
could still write the code to create html files for our local computers
with the side by side output

Actually, I don't even have a to write a program. You simply have to
resize two windows side by side, one containing a browser pointing to
for example sutta in english.with numbered paragraphs, and the
other window with DPR showing the corresponding pali sutta, and one
could manually adjust the scrolls bars to keep the lines matching up.

If I did write a program, I would go a step further and reformat both
pali and english to print line by line (each sentence starting a new
line on leftmost column) so it's easier to try to match up the
corresponding parts for the beginner.