This is something very interesting. 
 There are bits and pieces of news about the  - Pali Language.  Sometime ago I read in the Newspapers that someone who took this subject - in a  Mumbai University -  passed with distinction.   There was supposed to be a film produced in India depicting Buddha's life and the dialogue in Pali.
Wish you all the best and a safe journey and do share your experience once you have returned.  Keep this language alive.

--- On Sat, 23/1/10, ashinpan <ashinpan@...> wrote:

From: ashinpan <ashinpan@...>
Subject: [Pali] Visiting the Department of Pali at the University of Pune
Date: Saturday, 23 January, 2010, 2:24 AM


Dear members,

On 31st Jan, I am visiting the University of Pune. Some of my friends are doing research at the Pali department of that University, and I have heard many good things from them. This is part of the reason why I have decided to visit there.

Especially interesting is the Prof. Deokar, the head of department. He has been unfortunately without eyesight for many years but he has learned Pali enough to become one of the youngest professors at the University of Pune. I believe all Pali students like us should be proud of him.

Prof. Deokar is a specialist in Pali classic grammars, and I have seen some interesting papers of him. If I am fortunate enough, I may be able to get his permission for uploading some of his papers in this list.

with metta

Ven. Pandita

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]