Dear friends,
Dhammacakkappavattanasutta, no 19, commentary.

The Wheel of Dhamma (dhammacakka): this is penetrative understanding
as well as the knowledge of teaching. As to penetrative
understanding, this understanding of the four truths in twelve modes
arose in him while sitting under the Bodhitree. As to the knowledge
of teaching the truth in twelve modes, this was set in motion when he
was sitting in Isipattana. These two kinds of knowledge were in the
heart of the person with the �Ten Powers� (dasa bala).
The Wheel of Dhamma was set in motion when the blessed One proclaimed
his teaching.
In so far as the Thera �Konda~n~na who had
understood� (a~n~naasiko.n.da~n~na) , together with eighteen times
ten million (ko.tis) brahmans was established in the fruition of the
�stream-enterer� (sotaapanna), in so far the Blessed One set in
motion this Wheel of Dhamma, and because of this establishment it is
said of the Wheel that it is set in motion.
N: The Ten Powers (dasabala) are explained in the �Middle Length
Sayings, sutta 12, Mahaasiihanadasutta (I, 70, 71).These are
knowledge of kamma and its result, knowledge of the �world�. which
is, as the commentary states, the world of the khandhas, aayatanas
(sensefields) and dhaatus (elements). These powers also include
knowledge of his former lives, knowing the passing away and rebirth
of other beings, knowledge of the disposition and the faculties of
other beings, etc. .
Pali: Dhammacakketi ceva ca.
Bodhipalla`nke nisinnassa hi catuusu saccesu uppanna.m
dvaadasaakaara.m pa.tivedha~naa.nampi, isipatane nisinnassa
dvaadasaakaaraaya saccadesanaaya pavattita.m desanaa~naa.nampi
dhammacakka.m naama. Ubhayampi heta.m dasabalassa ure
pavatta~naa.nameva. Imaaya desanaaya pakaasentena bhagavataa
dhammacakka.m pavattita.m naama. Ta.m paneta.m dhammacakka.m yaava
a~n~naasiko.n.da~n~natthero a.t.thaarasahi brahmako.tiihi saddhi.m
sotaapattiphale pati.t.thaati, taava na.m bhagavaa pavatteti naama,
pati.t.thite ca pavattita.m naama.


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