Dear Chen,
Perhaps you did not get my answer off line, I repeat here.
Op 9-jan-2010, om 18:55 heeft chencheahseng het volgende geschreven:
> I am using a Thai pali Tipitaka (Siam rath) and recently looked up
> the SriLankan Buddha Jayanti Tipitaka after reading this forum and
> noticed a difference between the pronunciation and written form of
> the the word Eva.m me (Sri lankan) and Evam me (Thai). Can you
> kindly tell me which is correct?
It depends which letter follows upon the eva.m. Take evam eva.m, the
first one is with m since it is followed by a vocal.
Evam me suta.m, thus I have heard : here it is followed by m, thus we
have m which is understandable when we think of the pronunciation, m
+m is the natural pronunciation.
The romanized Pali as edited by the Pali Text Society has: evam me
suta.m in the beginning of a sutta, for exmaple of the Majjhima
Nikaaya. The Thai is correct.
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