Dhammacakkappavattanasutta, no 18.

From: Nina van Gorkom
Message: 14273
Date: 2010-01-09

Dear friends,
Dhammacakkappavattanasutta, no 18.

Pavattite ca pana Bhagavataa dhammacakke Bhummaa devaa
saddamanussaavesu.m - "eta.m Bhagavataa Baaraa.nasiya.m Isipatane
Migadaaye anuttara.m dhammacakka.m pavattita.m appa.tivattiya.m
sama.nena vaa braahma.nena vaa devena vaa maarena vaa brahmunaa vaa
kenaci vaa lokasmin"ti.
Pavattite/ ca pana/ Bhagavataa/ dhammacakke
set in motion/ and then/ by the Blessed One /the Wheel of Dhamma

Bhummaa devaa/ saddam/anussaavesu.m
terrestrial devas/ sound/proclaimed/

"eta.m/ Bhagavataa/ Baaraa.nasiya.m/ Isipatane/ Migadaaye/
that/ by the Blessed One/, at Baranasi/ at Isipatana /in the Deer Park/

anuttara.m/ dhammacakka.m/ pavattita.m
unsurpassed/ Wheel of Dhamma/ set in motion/

appa.tivattiya.m/ sama.nena /vaa/ braahma.nena/ vaa/ devena/
not to be turned back/ by recluse/ or/ by Brahmin/ or/ by deva/

vaa/ maarena/ vaa/ brahmunaa/ vaa/ kenaci/ vaa/ lokasmin"ti./
or/ by Mara/ or/ by Brahma/ or/ by anyone/ or/ in the world/".

And then on the setting in motion of the Wheel of the Dhamma by the
Blessed One, the terrestrial devas raised a shout - "The unsurpassed
Wheel of Dhamma has been set in motion by the Blessed One, at
Baranasi in the Deer Park at Isipatana, and this cannot be turned
back by any recluse or Brahmin or deva or Mara or Brahma or by anyone
in the world".
grammar: Pavattite Bhagavataa dhammacakke: this is a locative
absolute. When the Wheel of Dhamma was set in motion by the Blessed One.
The word vaa, or, stands behind the word it belongs to.

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