Dear friends,

Dhammacakkappavattanasutta, no 15.
Yaavakiiva~nca me, bhikkhave, imesu catuusu ariyasaccesu eva.m
tipariva.t.ta.m dvaadasaakaara.m yathaabhuuta.m ~naa.nadassana.m na
suvisuddha.m ahosi, n'eva taavaaha.m, bhikkhave, sadevake loke
samaarake sabrahmake sassama.nabraahma.niyaa pajaaya sadevamanussaaya
'anuttara.m sammaasambodhi.m abhisambuddho'ti pacca~n~naasi.m.
Yaavakiiva~n/ca/ me/, bhikkhave/, imesu catuusu ariyasaccesu/
So long as /and/ for me/ monks/ /as to these four noble truths

eva.m/ tipariva.t.ta.m/ dvaadasaakaara.m
thus/in three rounds/ in /twelve ways/

yathaabhuuta.m/ ~naa.nadassana.m/ na/ suvisuddha.m/ ahosi/

just as it is/ knowledge and vision/not/ well-purified/was/

N: grammar: yaavakiiva: yaava: so long as. kiiva: how much, how many.
yaava taava (taava in next section): so long as. n'eva taavaaha.m: na
eva taava aaha.m: so long I did not...
taavaaha.m: taava aaha.m.
yathaabhuuta.m: in reality, in truth. bhuuta: become. bhuuta.m:
nature, truth.
So long as, monks, my knowledge and vision just as it is of these
four noble truths was not well-purified, in three rounds and twelve
ways thus,
n'eva/ taavaaha.m,/ bhikkhave/, sadevake/ loke/ samaarake/ sabrahmake
not thus/so long I /monks/ with its devas/ in the world/with
maara/ with brahma/

sassama.nabraahma.niyaa/ pajaaya/ sadevamanussaaya/
with recluses and brahmins/in generation/with devas and humans/

'anuttara.m/ sammaasambodhi.m/ abhisambuddho'ti /pacca~n~naasi.m/.
unsurpassed/perfect enlightenment/completely realized/I claimed/
grammar: suffix -ka or -ika: for bahubbiihi compounds. Samaarake:
denotes the relationship between: in the world, loke, and maara, brahma.
sassama.nabraahma.niyaa/ pajaaya : pajaa: generation, world. Suffix -
iya qualifies pajaa.

then, monks, I did not claim, in this world with its devas, Mara, and
Brahma, in this generation with its recluses and Brahmins, devas and
humans: "I have completely realized unsurpassed perfect enlightenment".

So long as, monks, my knowledge and vision just as it is of these
four noble truths was not well-purified, in three rounds and twelve
ways thus, then, monks, I did not claim, in this world with its
devas, Mara, and Brahma, in this generation with its recluses and
Brahmins, devas and humans: "I have completely realized unsurpassed
perfect enlightenment".
Yato ca kho me, bhikkhave, imesu catuusu ariyasaccesu eva.m
tipariva.t.ta.m dvaadasaakaara.m yathaabhuuta.m ~naa.nadassana.m
suvisuddha.m ahosi, athaaha.m, bhikkhave, sadevake loke samaarake
sabrahmake sassama.nabraahma.niyaa pajaaya sadevamanussaaya
'anuttara.m sammaasambodhi.m abhisambuddho'ti pacca~n~naasi.m.
Yato ca/ kho/ /me, /bhikkhave, /imesu catuusu ariyasaccesu
And since/,indeed/for me/monks/ as to these four noble truths

eva.m/ tipariva.t.ta.m/ dvaadasaakaara.m
thus/in three rounds/ in twelve ways/

yathaabhuuta.m /~naa.nadassana.m/ suvisuddha.m ahosi/,

just as it is/ knowledge and vision/ well-purified/was/

And since, monks, my knowledge and vision just as it is of these four
noble truths was indeed well-purified, in three rounds and twelve
ways thus,
athaaha.m/, bhikkhave/, sadevake/ loke/ samaarake/ sabrahmake
then I/ monks/with its devas/ in the world/with maara/ with brahma/

sassama.nabraahma.niyaa/ pajaaya / sadevamanussaaya/
with recluses and brahmins/in generation/with devas and humans/

anuttara.m/sammaasambodhi.m/ abhisambuddho'ti/ pacca~n~naasi.m.
unsurpassed/perfect enlightenment/completely realized/I claimed

then, monks, I did claim, in this world with its devas, Mara, and
Brahma, in this generation with its recluses and Brahmins, devas and
humans: "I have completely realized unsurpassed perfect enlightenment".

And since, monks, my knowledge and vision just as it is of these four
noble truths was indeed well-purified, in three rounds and twelve
ways thus, then, monks, I did claim, in this world with its devas,
Mara, and Brahma, in this generation with its recluses and Brahmins,
devas and humans: "I have completely realized unsurpassed perfect
N: In three rounds and twelve ways: The three rounds of the four
noble Truths constitute twelve ways.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]