From: Lennart Lopin
Message: 14207
Date: 2009-12-23
> Dear Bryan,[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> " This teaching is more Mahāyāna than Theravādin, ..." Could be. then it
> has nothing to do with the Buddha.
> "These pieces were written (or better "inspired") at least 400-500 years
> after the historical Buddha lived, but they echo some of his own teachings
> on anatta and non-duality."
> Yes, some Mahaayaana texts talk about 'anatta and non-duality. But there
> meanings in Mahaayaana and in the teaching of the the Tathaagata are
> diametrically opposite.
> With mettaa,
> D. G. D. C. Wijeratna
> P.S. I am a follower of the tathaagato araha.m sammaa sambuddho. He is my
> Teacher (satthaa). So what he expounded, to me, is the absolute truth. TRUTH
> IS ONE. It cannot be improved upon, developed or otherwise changed. So what
> Theravaadins or Mahaayanist have to say is totally irrelevant.
> Please do remember that after 118 years of the Parininbbaana of the araha.m
> sammasambuddho, the community of monks split. Within the next 200 years of
> so, it split into 18 schools. WHICH IS TRUE? By the way there is a
> Sarvastivaadi abhidhamma--complete with seven books--not only the Abhidhamma
> of the theravadins. And that is totally different to Theravada abhidhamma.
> It is reported that there is another abhidhamma 'sariputta abhidhamma' in
> China.
> All those who got involved in sectarian Buddhism, were not-arahants--mere
> puthujjanas. So none of them have a clue to the truth.
> By the way, what prompted me to get involved in this discussion was: the
> heading: "Re: [Pali] Re: Was the Buddha Obliged to Observe Vinaya Rules?, no
> 2." A topic on which no disciple of the araha.m sammaasambuddho would ever
> talk. These people most probably haven't heard his declaration:
> "sabbaabhibhuu sabbavidhu hamasmi..." They dont; know that he was the
> Dhamma. His behaviour was what created the standard. "yo dhamma.m passati,
> so ma.m passati" By the way his teacher was Dhamma (See Samyutta Nikaaya)