Dear Nina,

thank you for the corrections, suggestions and additional information.

Ya.m so vadati ta.m tath'eva hoti.
He says that which is true indeed. (literally)

note: tatha (adj) true.

As for the missing part, it was an oversight on my part. The Pali sentence was in the previous post:

Yong Peng.

--- In, Nina van Gorkom wrote:

> "Ya.m so vadati ta.m tath'eva hoti." [DhA.iii,45]
> YP: "He tells him who is not differnt."

N: What he says is true indeed.

> "Evam eva tuva.m, Maara, aasajja na.m Tathaagata.m Saya.m
> dahissas'aattaana.m baalo aggi.m va samphusa.m." [Theg.v.1205]
> Having attacked such a person, Maara, thou wilt burn thyself
> just like a child playing with fire.

{YP: the above English was from the book.}

N: Having attacked the "Thus-gone" (the Buddha), Maara, just in the same way you will burn yourself like a child playing with fire.