Dear Ardavez,
Op 3-nov-2009, om 0:50 heeft ardavarz het volgende geschreven:

> I agree that "immortality" is not proper term in a Buddhist
> context. I've just quoted this passage what it was in the source -
> I suppose this is just a loose translation from the Burmese original.
N: It is very good that you have Burmese texts you can provide for
us. For example, the Pali-Burmese nissaya texts.
Some people may wonder about the Path sometimes being fivefold,
sometimes being sixfold, sometimes being eightfold. They are used to
read about the eight factors. But through this differentiation we see
that the Path can be developed from moment to moment, it is not
theory, it is very actual.
There may be an opportunity for abstaining, say from killing an
insect. Then, there can be understanding that it is not 'self' who
abstains, only a conditioned reality. At that moment the Path is
sixfold, there is virati cetasika performing its function, in this
case right action. When sound appears, there can be awareness and
understanding of just sound, a ruupa appearing through the ears, not
a thing or a person, and then there is no abstaining from wrong
conduct, the Path is fivefold. Five factors perform their functions.


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