From: Roger Garin-Michaud
Message: 13995
Date: 2009-10-21
--- In Pali@... com, Roger Garin-Michaud <wangchuk59@ ...> wrote:
> Hello friends,
> in reading the message about the First Sermon of the Buddha i began to wonder in which
> order one should read the sutras ?
> Any advice on that ?
> And what would be nowadays the best translation in English ?
> Thanks for your help !
> Roger Garin-Michaud
> still living in Brisbane, Australia
> Buddhist bibliography November 2009 update at :
> http://www.golden- buddbib.html
> Buddhist websites directory at :
> http://www.golden- buddlinks. html
> ____________ _________ _________ __
> From: <palismith@.. ..>
> To: Pali@... com
> Sent: Sun, 18 October, 2009 8:52:04 AM
> Subject: [Pali] Re: First Sermon of the Buddha
> Dear friends,
> allow me to paraphrase:
> In Anattalakkhana, his second sermon, the Buddha discussed non-self (anatta), impermanence (anicca). Together with dukkha from the first sutta, the doctrine of the trio of characteristics, tilakkhana - the Buddhist philosophical view of existence - is now complete.
> metta,
> Yong Peng.
> --- In Pali@... com, wrote:
> In Anattalakkhana, his second sermon, the Buddha discussed non-self (anatta), impermanence (anicca). Together with dukkha - the Buddhist philosophical view of existence - from the first sutta, the doctrine of the trio of characteristics, tilakkhana is now complete.
> ____________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _
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