From: Eskay de Silva
Message: 13946
Date: 2009-10-07
--- On Tue, 6/10/09, ngawangtemphel <lotsawanet@...> wrote:
From: ngawangtemphel <lotsawanet@...>
Subject: [Pali] First Sermon of Buddha
Received: Tuesday, 6 October, 2009, 6:16 PM
Dear Dhamma Friends,
I am looking for a traditional Classical pali commentary on the root text of the First Sermon of Buddha "Dhamma Cakra Pavartan Sutta". By traditional I mean a commentary that explain the meaning of the dhamma in it but also the etimology and meaning of the words in the sutra. Thus exist such a commentary in pali language? If yes, thus it has an english translation of the same too?
I have a friend in Thailand that could send me the texts if just available there.
Thanks very much for any help.
Best wishes,
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