Dear friends,

this will be the final post for the exercises of The New Pali Course Part II. I hope the solutions Florent and myself posted had been and would be useful to those who use this book for Pali study. I thank Florent for his contributions.

We are not done with the book yet. Starting later this year, I will start checking through the answers. I would highlights any mistake I spot for discussion, then the full set of solutions will also be made available on

After this post, I will be updating the file seriesgplan.pdf (in the Files section, Yahoo! login required). This file contains schedule and links to all postings under this series.

Last but not least, August 9 is the National Day of Singapore. I wish all Singaporean members a belated Happy National Day.

Exercise 26
Translate into Pali, using primary derivatives where it is possible

1. The farmers having ploughed the field and sowed the paddy
expected to have a good harvest.
kassakaa / kasitvaa / khetta.m / vapitvaa / viihi.m /
aagamesu.m / sundara.m / dha~n~naphala.m
Kassakaa khetta.m kasitvaa viihi.m vapitvaa sundara.m
dha~n~naphala.m aagamesu.m.

2. All righteous people should make up their minds to do justice
even to their enemies.
sabbe / dhammikaa / manussaa / citta.m pa.nidahitabbaa /
kaatu.m / yutti.m / api / tesaana.m / sattuuna.m
Sabbe dhammikaa manussaa api (tesaana.m) sattuuna.m yutti.m
kaatu.m citta.m pa.nidahitabbaa.

3. Having found no preceptor in that monastery, the monk
approached the Master in order to obtain a topic for meditation.
disvaa / na / upajjhaaya.m / tasmi.m / vihaare / bhikkhu /
upaagacchi / satthara.m / labhitu.m / kamma.t.thaana.m
Tasmi.m vihaare na upajjhaaya.m disvaa, bhikkhu kamma.t.thaana.m
labhitu.m satthara.m upaagacchi.

4. How much money should one have to make a mansion of seven storeys?
kittaka / muula.m / so / labhitabbo / kaatu.m / vimaana.m /
satta / bhuumaka.m
Kittaka muula.m (so) labhitabbo satta bhuumaka.m vimaana.m kaatu.m?

5. Having fallen from the top of a tall tree, the lad broke his
right arm, but there was none to take him to a physician.
patitvaa / matthakasmaa / uccassa / rukkhassa / maa.navako /
bhindi / / pana / ahosi / koci na /
aaharitu.m / ta.m / vejja.m
Uccassa rukkhassa matthakasmaa patitvaa, maa.navako
baahu.m bhindi, pana vejja.m ta.m aaharitu.m koci na ahosi.

6. I shall make a strong determination to win the hearts of my
aha.m / kareyya / da.lha.m / adhi.t.thaana.m / gahetu.m /
mana.m / mayha.m / mittaana.m
Aha.m mayha.m mittaana.m mana.m gahetu.m da.lha.m adhi.t.thaana.m

7. Calling him a fool and idiot the citizens drove him out of the
vadantaa / ta.m / baalo / ca / e.lamuugo / naagaraa /
palaapesu.m / ta.m / raajadhaaniyaa
Baalo ca e.lamuugo ca ti vadantaa naagaraa raajadhaaniyaa (ta.m)

8. If you cannot be good, you should at least try not to be bad.
sace / tva.m / na sakkosi / dhammiko / tva.m / ussaheyyaasi /
bhavitu.m / antamaso / na adhammiko
Sace tva.m dhammiko na sakkosi, tva.m antamaso adhammiko na
bhavitu.m ussaheyyaasi.

9. Both, in this world and in the next, the sinner having suffered
the results of his (evil) actions, courses through samsaara for
a long time.
ubhayesu / imasmi.m / lokasmi.m / ca / paralokasmi.m /
paapakaari / anubhavitvaa / vipaake / tassa / kammaana.m /
viva.t.tati / samsaarena / cira.m
Ubhayesu, imasmi.m lokasmi.m ca paralokasmi.m ca, paapakaari
tassa kammaana.m vipaake anubhavitvaa cira.m samsaarena

10. Leaving off doubt and increasing faith in the Exalted One,
practise virtues in order to attain Arahatship.
vitaritvaa / ka`nkha.m / va.d.dhento / saddha.m /
bhagavante / rakkha / siilaani / pa.tiladdhu.m / arahatta.m
Ka`nkha.m vitaritvaa bhagavante saddha.m va.d.dhento
arahatta.m pa.tiladdhu.m siilaani rakkha.


Please correct me if there is any mistakes.

Yong Peng.