Dear Yong Peng,
I do understand your preference. In the beginning with my translation
of the co to the Mahaa Raahulovaadasutta, I remember that you
recommended a cross reference of suttas for the understanding of a
term. Anyway, to do both: cross reference and commentary. At that
time Jim was so kind to provide me with many sutta texts so that I
could compare and I greatly enjoyed this.
I did not misunderstand your message and I am glad you are
interested in commentaries as well.
Sometimes the suttas are short, concise and then we wonder about the
meaning. I found that the ancient commentary greatly helps to
understand the suttas.

Another topic: Florent will upload a photo, I remember that you said
that you wished for more photos. We had a good, enjoyable Dhamma talk
when he was in the Hague. I said that you are the best moderator,
openminded and so good at encouraging different people. I liked it
that you said I should become more active with the exercise
translations. It is difficult for me to find time, but I will
remember it.
Op 9-jul-2009, om 16:26 heeft Ong Yong Peng het volgende geschreven:

> I consider that an expressed interest. So, that is good news for
> Nina. ;-)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]