Exercise 22
Translate into Pali, using derivatives where it is possible

1. "At that time the heretical sect of wandering ascetics met
together on the fourteenth, fifteenth and eighth day of the
half-month, and recited their doctrine."
tasmi.m / samaye / micchaadi.t.thiko / ga.no /
paribbaajakaana.m / sannipatitvaa / cuddasame ca /
pa~ncadasame ca / a.t.thame ca / divase /
addhamaasassa / sajjhaayi.msu / tesa.m / dhamma.m
"Tasmi.m samaye paribbaajakaana.m micchaadi.t.thiko ga.no
addhamaasassa cuddasame ca pa~ncadasame ca a.t.thame ca
divase sannipatitvaa tesa.m dhamma.m sajjhaayi.msu."

2. "At that moment Visaakhaa, then some fifteen or sixteen years
of age, came to that place on her way to bathe in the river,
being decked in all her ornaments and attended by five hundred
tasmi.m / kha.ne / visaakhaa / tadaa / ekacce /
pa.n.narasavassikaa / va / so.lasavassikaa /
aagacchi / ta.m / .thaana.m / tassaa / magge /
nahaayitu.m / nadiya.m / bhuusiiyitvaa / sabbesu /
tassaa / ala`nkaaresu / paricariiyitvaa / pa~ncasatena /
"Tasmi.m kha.ne visaakhaa tadaa ekacce pa.n.narasavassikaa
va so.lasavassikaa tassaa sabbesu ala`nkaaresu bhuusiiyitvaa
pa~ncasatena yuvatiibhi paricariiyitvaa nadiya.m nahaayitu.m
(tassaa) magge ta.m .thaana.m aagacchi."

3. "Your attendant women came running to this hall, and did not
get their garments and ornaments wet.
tuyha.m / parivaaritthiyo / aagacchi.msu / dhaavantiyo /
ima.m / saala.m / ca / na temesu.m / taasaana.m /
"Tuyha.m parivaaritthiyo ima.m saala.m dhaavantiyo aagacchi.msu,
taasaana.m vatthaabhara.na.m na temesu.m ca.

But you did not run at all."
pana / tva.m / na aagacchi / no
Pana tva.m na no aagacchi."

4. "Then, O priests, I proceeded on my wanderings from place to
place, and drew near to Benares, to deer-park Isipatana, and
to where the band of five priests was."
tadaa / brahma.naa / aha.m / sa~ncaritvaa / mayha.m /
caarikaasu / .thaanasmaa / .thaana.m / upasa`nkami.m /
baaraanasi.m / migadaaya.m / isipatana.m / ca /
yattha / vaggo / pa~ncanna.m / ja.tiyaana.m / hosi
"Tadaa, brahma.naa, aha.m .thaanasmaa .thaana.m mayha.m
caarikaasu sa~ncaritvaa baaraanasi.m ca migadaaya.m isipatana.m
ca yattha pa~ncanna.m ja.tiyaana.m vaggo hosi ca upasa`nkami.m."

5. "Now the world in perishing, perishes seven times in succession
by fire, and the eighth time by water;
idaani / loko / vinassanto / vinassati / sattakkhattu.m /
pa.tipaa.tiyaa / agginaa / ca / a.t.thama.m / udakena
"Idaani vinassanto loko agginaa pa.tipaa.tiyaa sattakkhattu.m
ca udakena a.t.thama.m vinassati;

and then again seven times by fire, and the eighth time by water."
atha kho pana / sattakkhattu.m / agginaa / ca / a.t.thama.m /
atha kho pana agginaa pa.tipaa.tiyaa sattakkhattu.m ca udakena

6. Now after these beings have begun to eat the savoury earth,
by degrees some become handsome and some ugly.
idaani / para.m / ete / sattaa / aaraddhaa / khaaditu.m /
pa.thavoja.m / anukkamena / ekacce / bhavi.msu / abhiruupaa /
ca / ekacce / viruupaa
"Idaani para.m te sattaa pa.thavoja.m khaaditu.m aaraddhaa ekacce
ca anukkamena abhiruupaa bhavi.msu ekacce ca viruupaa bhavi.msu.

Then the handsome despised the ugly."
tadaa / abhiruupo / nindi / viruupa.m
Tadaa abhiruupo viruupa.m nindi."

7. "When thus a long time has elapsed, here and there the ponds
of water dry up.
yadaa / ittha.m / addho / hoti / atikkanto / atra / ca / tatra /
pokkhara.niyo / udakassa / sussanti
"Yadaa addho ittha.m atikkanto hoti, atra ca tatra ca udakassa
pokkhara.niyo sussanti.

Then, one by one the fishes and the turtles also die and are
reborn in the Brahma world;
tadaa / ekekaa / macchaa / ca / kacchapaa / api / maritvaa /
nibbattanti / brahmaloke
Tadaa, ekekaa macchaa ca kacchapaa api maritvaa brahmaloke

likewise the inhabitants of the hells."
tath'eva / nerayikaa
tath'eva nerayikaa."

8. "Such a bird flies in an easterly direction, in a southerly
direction, in a westerly direction, in a northerly direction,
towards the zenith and to the intermediate quarters, and if it
sees land anywhere about it flies thither."
evaruupo / saku.no / u.d.deti / paaciinaabhimukhaaya.m /
disaaya.m / dakkhi.naabhimukhaaya.m / disaaya.m / pacchimaaya.m /
disaaya.m / uttaraaya.m / disaaya.m / santika.m / uddha.m /
ca / anudisaayo / yadi / ta.m / passeyya / thala.m /
yattha katthaci / ta.m / u.d.deti / taha.m
"Evaruupo saku.no paaciinaabhimukhaaya.m disaaya.m,
dakkhi.naabhimukhaaya.m disaaya.m, pacchimaaya.m disaaya.m,
uttaraaya.m disaaya.m, uddha.m santika.m, ca anudisaayo u.d.deti,
yadi ta.m yattha katthaci thala.m passeyya, ta.m taha.m u.d.deti."

9. "Now the report that the elder had been murdered by highwaymen
spread over all the continent of India, and king Ajaatasattu
dispatched spies to hunt for them."
idaani / pavatti / yaa / thero / maariiyi.msu / panthaghaatakehi /
atthari / upari / mahaadiipassa / jambudiipassa / ca / raajaa /
ajaatasattu / vissajjesi / carapurise / pariyesitu.m / te
"Idaani yaa panthaghaatakehi thero maariiyi.msu (saa) pavatti
jambudiipassa mahaadiipassa upari atthari, ca raajaa ajaatasattu
te pariyesitu.m carapurise vissajjesi."

10. "But they could not all agree;
pana / te / sabbe / na anujaani.msu
"Pana sabbe te na anujaani.msu;

and three of them did not retire from the world.
ca / tayo / tesa.m / na abhinikkhani.msu
ca tesa.m tayo na abhinikkhani.msu.

But the remaining four did so, and made the Brahman
Ko.n.da~n~na their chief.
pana / avasesaa / cattaaro / katvaa / eva / aka.msu /
brahma.na.m / ko.n.da~n~na.m / tesa.m / adhipati.m
Pana avasesaa cattaaro eva katvaa, tesa.m adhipati.m
brahma.na.m ko.n.da~n~na.m aka.msu.

And these five persons became known as the 'Band of Five
api / ime / pa~nca / manussaa / bhavi.msu / ~naataa /
vaggo / pa~ncanna.m / theraana.m
Api ime pa~nca manussaa 'pa~ncanna.m theraana.m vaggo'ti
~naataa bhavi.msu."

Link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Pali/message/12593

Please correct me if there is any mistakes.

Yong Peng.