
The New Pali Course Part III (1950)
Prof. A. P. Buddhadatta Maha Nayaka Thera

Chapter II Denominative Verbs


* patta + iiya + ti = pattiyati, likes to have a bowl
* ta.nhaa + iiya + ti = ta.nhiiyati, craves
* a.t.ta + iiya + ti = a.t.tiiyati, becomes afflicted
* hiri + iiya + ti = hiriiyati, becomes bashful
* dukkha + iiya + ti = dukkhiiyati, becomes miserable
* sukha + iiya + ti = sukhiiyati, becomes happy.

A.t.tiiyanaa, hiriiyanaa, etc. are the nouns formed from these bases.

Haraayati and haraayanaa seem to be variations of hiriiyati and hiriiyanaa. But haraayati means: 'becomes depressed'.

Onomatopoetic Verbs

62. These are the verbs formed from the stems that are in imitation of natural sounds, such as hum.

The suffix used to form these is aaya.

* ta.ta + ta.ta + aaya + ti = ta.tata.taayati, makes the sound tat-tat
* ci.ti + ci.ti + aaya + ti = ci.tici.taayati, makes the sound chit-chit
* cic + cit + aaya + ti = cicci.taayati, makes the sound chit-chit
* ga.la + ga.la + aaya + ti = ga.laga.laayati, makes the sound gala-gala; used to express the sound of a heavy shower

Desiderative Verbs

63. These express the desire to do, or wish to be, that which is denoted by the simple root.

ref: http://www.tipitaka.net/pali/synthesis/pali3.00.cdv

(to be continued...)