thank you nina.
certainly helpful.
what I was looking for though, is something to the effect where the buddha
preaches that a monk should only look at himself and ardently strive for
greater and greater awareness, etc. rather than attempt to judge others on
the path.
is there something to this effect?
On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Nina van Gorkom <vangorko@...> wrote:
> Dear pg,
> Op 24-mrt-2009, om 17:34 heeft pgd2507 het volgende geschreven:
> > I have noticed quite often people commenting upon others thus, "you
> > have been meditating/studying the dhamma but there is no change in
> > you!".
> >
> > Is there something the buddha said in this regard?
> ------
> N:He spoke about the long, long going around in samsara. Because of
> ignorance. How could ignorance and the other defilements be
> eradicated within a short time? They were accumulated for so long. We
> know of ourselves that there cannot be a sudden transformation of
> character, and why commenting on others?
> Nina.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]