From: Gunnar Gällmo <gunnargallmo@...>
To: Pali@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 9:44:18 AM
Subject: Re: [Pali] Buddhism and science
Hello All
IMHO the spoken word took Buddha Dhamma quite far up til 3rd C. BC then by 6th C. AD yes? BodhiDharma over the mountains? Far as Uddayana (Afganistan) from whence comes Guru Rinpoche? Is it not so? In our times Arthur Shoepenhaer (SP) had Suttas in 18th C. I began reading pieces from Wheel Publications Nyanaponika's efforts dating to mid 20thC. Is net useful? Well, here we all are, and you all encourage me to take Pali study seriously. Other than that modern ways are questionable in light of global warming, economic imperialism etc, is it not so? Forgive my apparent arrogance in questioning such scholars as you are, but modernism is fraught with so many drawbacks we shal by fortunate to see progress in Dhamma before world consumes its own tail like mad dog infected with bad itch.
pete tomlinson, mere Theravadan

http://stores. lulu.com/ gunnargallmo

--- Den mån 2009-03-16 skrev Nina van Gorkom <vangorko@... nl>:

"> Science (human) is avijjaa and not vijjaa.
> --------
N: That is true, because it does not lead out of the cycle of birth
and death, it cannot eradicate defilements.


It's not liberating vijjaa, but it _is_ wordly knowledge; and without that wordly knowledge, there would be no computers, no internet, and no group like ours.

And without that knowledge, it is doubtful whether the higher knowledge of the Dhamma would ever have spread outside South Asia.

So let's put it in a proper perspective. Worldly knowledge is not liberating vijjaa, but it can be used to support it.


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