Ong Yong Peng wrote thus at 06:52 PM 01-03-09:
>"Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammaa ka.nhaa.
>these two / monks / things / evil
>"O monks, these two things (are) evil.

I prefer a literal translation for ka.nhaa as "dark", since "dark" does have a meaning of "absence of moral or spiritual values".

>Ahirika~nca anottappa~nca.
>unscrupulousness and / recklessness and
>Unscrupulousness and recklessness.

How about "shamelessness" for "ahirika"? (Yes, I like to translate as close as possible to the word in all aspects: meaning, etymology and if possible even imagery. I'm a literature guy, you see?) I like "recklessness" though.
