From: Магубад Бурджан
Message: 13300
Date: 2009-02-13
--- On Wed, 2/11/09, arunlikhati <arun.likhati@...> wrote:
From: arunlikhati <arun.likhati@...>
Subject: [Pali] Translation of aryiasaavaka
Date: Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 5:00 AM
First I want to say how thankful I am that this list exists and to all you contributors who've
put together such awesome materials. I read the emails daily and have been working (very,
very slowly) through the Pali exercises.
I have a quick question about the translation of "ariyasaavaka" . Bhikkhu Bodhi and
Nyanaponika Thero translate this as "noble disciple", while Thanissaro Bhikkhu and the PTS
translate this as "disciple of the noble ones". I understand that these are not mutually
exclusive translations, but one is certainly more specific than the other. I'm curious to hear
what you have to say.
I don't have a bias one way or another.
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