From: Piya Tan
Message: 13242
Date: 2009-01-25
On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 11:16 PM, Peter Bowen <pjbowen@...> wrote:
> Piya:
> Yes, Google Books has many classic Pali texts and grammars, most of
> them (I would think) of purely curiosity value for the modern student.
> Warder's is in there too, but only in partial form ("Snippet View").
> This may be because it is still in print.
> I have tried the CPD that you reference in your message, and prefer it
> over the PED, as the former is simpler for a newbie like myself to
> wade through. Yet there are many words that are not (yet) listed in
> the CPD, so it seems incomplete, at best.
> Please correct me, though, if I am mistaken.
> With metta,
> Peter
> 2009/1/24 Piya Tan <dharmafarer@...>:
>> John & Jim,
>> I checked the website out, it has many old Buddhist classics, incl
>> Warder's
>> Introduction to Pali, and a few JPTS Journals etc. Most of them are for
>> partial reference.
>> Anyway, here is an excellent full view Critical Pali Dictionary which I
>> often refer to:
>> CPD
>> I'm waiting for an online verison of the Encyclopaedia of Buddhism (Sri
>> Lanka), and excellent work but underutilized diue to lack of availability.
>> With metta,
>> Piya
>> On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 7:33 PM, Jim Anderson
>> <jimanderson.on@...>wrote:
>>> Dear John,
>>> I downloaded a complete copy in PDF format from It is
>>> about 32 MB in size and takes about 2 hours to download on a 56k modem.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Jim
>>> > Dear Pali friends,
>>> >
>>> > Did I imagine it, or was there a post some time in the last month or
>>> > so where someone pointed out a website where one could download
>>> > Childers Dictionary of Pali as a desktop lookup program? If so, could
>>> > you please re-post the address? If not, is it available as an online
>>> > lookup somewhere?
>>> >
>>> > Thanks.
>>> >
>>> > With metta,
>>> > John
>> --
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>> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
The Minding Centre
Blk 644 Bukit Batok Central #01-68 (2nd flr)
Singapore 650644
Tel: 8211 0879
Meditation courses & therapy: