From: Ong Teng Kee
Message: 13108
Date: 2008-12-29
--- On Mon, 12/29/08, Ong Teng Kee <ongtkee@...> wrote:
From: Ong Teng Kee <ongtkee@...>
Subject: Re: [Pali] Re: Saddaniiti
Received: Monday, December 29, 2008, 4:55 AM
If some publisher spend money to publish saddaniti,there shouldn't be any more free download online.I think the price is not too expensive.
I don't want to argue with Jon or anyone but please be reasonable.
--- On Sun, 12/28/08, Jon Fernquest <bayinnaung@... com> wrote:
From: Jon Fernquest <bayinnaung@... com>
Subject: [Pali] Re: Saddaniiti
To: Pali@... com
Received: Sunday, December 28, 2008, 12:23 AM
Dear George Bell;
Thanks for this translation.
"There may be people with old software who will need Velthuis"
Velthuis has the advantage that it can be quickly converted to
traditional PTS diacriticals with:
http://pali. sirimangalo. org/convertpad. htm
(Note: It looks like the original was an html web page.Some of the
special characters like ā sisn't come through right. If you sent
the web page, it could be posted and also printed as a pdf also.)
I keep links to the core set of Pali translation tools mentioned in
this list at:
http://delicious. com/search? context=userpost s&p=palitools& lc=1&u=jonfernqu est
"...contain only a link to the web archive. That means you can
consult the book only when you are online"
You can definitely download and read on your computer. In fact, I have
printed several volumes of works from that site ( and
bound them in hardcover for a hundred baht or so in Bangkok.
In the list of works available the Dhatupatha and Dhatumanjusa on Pali
roots and the literal translation of Kaccayana by Senart and the
dictionary by Childers are real finds and finally what looks to be a
complete three volume set of Jatakas in ebook form. Will have to check
to see if has some mechanism for making requests, Helmut
Smith's Saddanitti published in the 1920s should be coming into the
public domain soon.
With metta,
Jon Fernquest
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