Dear Nina,
I don't recall having posted a translation of the beginning of the
Padamaalaa to the palistudy list. Perhaps you're thinking of the
introductory verses of Kaccaayaana? The Saddaniiti text has come up for
discussion a number of times on that list and I can remember in early 2001
introducing a few suttas on the Pali alphabet at the beginning of the
Suttamaalaa. About 5 years ago, I decided that the palistudy list should put
its focus mainly on traditional Pali grammar and working with old
grammatical texts written in Pali, especially Kaccaayana which is the oldest
one extant. We have looked at a number of these texts and there was a good
start made on the Saddatthabhedacintaa, a philosophical work on Pali
grammar, with Ven. Dhammanando making some fairly substantial contributions
to the study of that work. From my experiences with lists, I'm now inclined
to avoid introducing long-termed study projects for the group. I think it is
probably best left up to the individual to choose what he or she wants to
spend their time studying and to use the list mainly as a forum for asking
questions, sharing information, submitting translations of short passages,
> Dear Jim,
> Yes, I remember you translated the beginning of the padamaala in your
> own list, the palistudy list. I try to trace them, but since it is
> years ago I could not find them. It would be interesting for this
> list if you could republish them here. It is agood beginning of the
> text proper.
> Nina.