Dear Jim,
I must quickly correct an error in my posting. I should have said,
"Having worshipped that Buddha by whom the Dhamma was proclaimed, wich
is pure etc."
On 12/24/08, Mahinda Palihawadana <mahipal6@...> wrote:
> Dear Jim,
> I think sita.m means 'pure'. Its commoner meaning is 'white' and its
> opposite asita means 'black'. The word idha in this stz means 'here',
> i.e., "in this world".
> Yes, the stz obviously connects with the next through the word ta.m.
> The construction is "yena buddhena desita.m dhamma.m ... ta.m
> namitvaa" :having worshipped the Dhamma proclaimed by that Buddha who
> is... etc.
> As you will see this couple of verses also form part of a string of 6
> stzz, the gist of which is "Having worshipped the Buddha, Dhamma and
> Sangha I will proclaim the Saddaniiti or the Science of Words."
> Mahinda
> On 12/24/08, Jim Anderson <jimanderson.on@...> wrote:
>> Dear Nina,
>>> N: PLease, would you give these verses, I do not remember them. Did
>>> you formerly give them?
>> I posted the first two verses earlier to my own list. I reproduce them
>> here
>> from part of that message along with my question:
>> << I have a question about the first verse at the beginning of the
>> Padamaalaa:
>> dhiirehi magganaayena, yena buddhena desita.m.
>> sita.m dhammamidha~n~naaya, ~naayate amata.m pada.m..
>> What is the meaning of "sita.m" in this verse? I think "dhiirehi" (instr.
>> pl.) is the agent of the passive verb "~naayate" (is known by the
>> wise) and "amata.m pada.m" (in the nom. case) is the object.
>> "magganaayena,
>> yena buddhena desita.m. sita.m dhammamidha~n~naaya," is a subordinate
>> clause
>> with dhiirehi also serving as the agent of the absolutive "a~n~naaya"
>> (after
>> having understood) with "dhamma" as the object (in the acc.). I take
>> magganaayena as equivalent to magganaayakena (path-leader/guide), I also
>> wonder if the "yena" is a correlative of "ta.m" at the beginning of the
>> next
>> verse:
>> ta.m namitvaa mahaaviira.m, sabba~n~nu.m lokanaayaka.m.
>> mahaakaaru.nika.m se.t.tha.m, visuddha.m suddhidaayaka.m..>>
>> I didn't want to jump ahead in the discussions by posting it to this
>> group.
>> The second verse is much easier to follow:
>> Having bowed to Him, the Great Hero, the Omniscient One, the World Leader,
>> The Great Compassionate One, the Best One, the Pure One, the Grantor of
>> Purity;
>> Jim