Dear Ong Yong Peng and others,

Thanks for inviting me to the Saddaniti discussion. I would like to
chip in, as and when it seems appropriate, since I am working on a few
other projects and cannot afford to get lost in what could become a
very technical discussion. Perhaps we should try to avoid that and
keep it simple. Best wishes.


On 12/22/08, Nina van Gorkom <vangorko@...> wrote:
> Dear Jim,
> Op 21-dec-2008, om 21:06 heeft Jim Anderson het volgende geschreven:
>> I would suggest presenting the text in small and easily digestible
>> portions
>> (a line or two or a short paragraph at a time) followed by a
>> translation and
>> notes. Otherwise, it could get too overwhelming for many of us.
> -------
> N: Thank you very much for your useful remarks, I appreciate them.
> Even a few phrases will give us already the flavour of the
> Saddaniiti. It can help to penetrate more deeply into the Tipi.taka
> texts and this is our goal. I only translated a few sentences of the
> Saddaniiti on the meaning of dhamma and I was impressed.
> Perhaps in order to give us the flavour, could you, please, give us a
> fragment? Even this is helpful.
> -------
> Nina.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]