From: John Kelly
Message: 13036
Date: 2008-12-11
--- In, "flrobert2000" <flrobert2000@...> wrote:
> Dear friends,
> In most of the cases we find the aorist form "tenupasa"nkami" (as in
> atha kho raajaa maagadho ajaatasattu vedehiputto yena bhagavaa
> tenupasa"nkami)but then in some instances we find "tenupasa"nkama"
> such as in "ehi tva.m,, yena bhagavaa tenupasa"nkama" or in
> "ehi tva.m taata amba.t.tha, yena gotamo tenupasa"nkama".
> Where does this form come? What would be the correct translation of
> this sentence then?
> In the first case ajaatasattu is subject of upasa"nkami but in the
> second case is tva.m the subject of tenupasa"nkama? What tense is then?
> Kind regards,
> Florent