Dear Yow,

here is the second verse. Feel free to share your opinions.

"Siile-pati.t.thaaya naro sapa~n~no,
"Firm in morality, a man, wise,

citta.m pa~n~na~nca bhaavaya.m;
and cultivating the insightful mind;

aataapii nipako bhikkhu,
the ardent and prudent monk,

so ima.m vija.taye ja.tan"ti.
[he] would this tangle organize."

Yong Peng.

--- In, freeyow wrote:

Siilepati.t.thaaya naro sapa~n~no, citta.m pa~n~na~nca
bhaavaya.m;aataapii nipako bhikkhu, so ima.m vija.taye ja.tanti. (SN1.23)