Some additional notes.

1. There is a 200 page treatise devoted to the Saddaniiti in the
Journal of the Pali Text Society, VOlume XVII, 1992, entitled
"Exploring the Saddaniiti."

2. There is also a Thai script version cited in Peter Skilling's
bibliography of Pali literature in Thailand. I can provide citation
when I find it. This version is easy to obtain in Thailand.

3. I believe Steven Collins new grammar takes most of its example
sentences from the Saddaniiti under appropriate grammatical topics.
This would seem to be an easy way to study it.

Question: Has anyone seen a quick reference guide to Pali with tables
that can be mechanically used for grammatical and Sandhi
transformations like Roderick S. Bucknell's "Sanskrit Manual" ?

With metta,
Jon Fernquest