From: Jon Fernquest
Message: 12961
Date: 2008-10-23
--- On Thu, 10/23/08, flrobert2000 <flrobert2000@...> wrote:
From: flrobert2000 <flrobert2000@...>
Subject: [Pali] Re: Charles Duroiselle Obituary
Date: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 4:29 AM
Dear Jon,
Thanks for all those references. It's a good starting point. However I
still haven't been able to find simple biographical elements on that
scholar, but I haven't given up yet!
Kind regards,
--- In Pali@... com, "Jon Fernquest" <bayinnaung@ ...> wrote:
> Dear Florent;
> Florent wrote: "I can't say I have been very successful at finding a
lot of
> information on him."
> Here is some information:
> Two of Charles Duroiselle books can be found online for free here:
> http://www.archive org/search. php?query= duroiselle
> Including one volume on ancient geography and his famous Burmese
> inscription list which is still used today.
> Duroiselle published frequently in the Journal of the Burma Research
> Society (JBRS).
> Duroiselle published a long paper on Mon-Pali Nissaya in the JBRS that
> started a long scholarly exchange
> on the subject in that journal.
> Duroiselle was Superintendent of the Archaeological Survey in Burma
> (exact title?), so a lot of his publications consists of these reports.
> One in particular, cited frequently in the Jataka concordance published
> by PTS is known for photos of art depicting Jataka at Pagan.
> Several of his papers in the French journal BEFEO here:
> http://www.persee fr/web/revues/ home/prescript/ search/?
> p_p_action=1&
> (Including Upagutta and Mara paper based on the Pali Lokapa~n~nati
> cosmological text)
> Watch for an updated bibliography that lists many works by him here:
> http://web.soas index.html
> You might ask about him on the SOAS Burmaresearch mailing list:
> burmaresearch@ googlegroups. com
> Some people in the past have done this.
> So do a search there.
> With metta,
> Jon Fernquest
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