Dear Florent;

Florent wrote: "I can't say I have been very successful at finding a lot of
information on him."

Here is some information:

Two of Charles Duroiselle books can be found online for free here:

Including one volume on ancient geography and his famous Burmese
inscription list which is still used today.

Duroiselle published frequently in the Journal of the Burma Research
Society (JBRS).

Duroiselle published a long paper on Mon-Pali Nissaya in the JBRS that
started a long scholarly exchange
on the subject in that journal.

Duroiselle was Superintendent of the Archaeological Survey in Burma
(exact title?), so a lot of his publications consists of these reports.
One in particular, cited frequently in the Jataka concordance published
by PTS is known for photos of art depicting Jataka at Pagan.

Several of his papers in the French journal BEFEO here:

(Including Upagutta and Mara paper based on the Pali Lokapa~n~nati
cosmological text)

Watch for an updated bibliography that lists many works by him here:

You might ask about him on the SOAS Burmaresearch mailing list:

Some people in the past have done this.
So do a search there.

With metta,
Jon Fernquest