From: Kumaara Bhikkhu
Message: 12936
Date: 2008-10-14
>--- In, "flrobert2000" <flrobert2000@...> wrote:Yes, it does. The relative length of time taken to pronounce "kaama" and "kamma" (both LS) is the same. The difference is where the sound dragson the "a" sound or the "m" sound.
>>Why do we count as long the vowels a, i, u preceded by double consonnants and does this mean one has to actually lengthen them when one pronounces them?
>In both Pali and Skt, a vowel followed by a consonant is counted as
>a long syllable: a single short vowel is a syllabic unit; when you
>add another sound to it it becomes 2 units. In actual
>pronounciation we can see that this makes sense.