From: Sumana Athale
Message: 12786
Date: 2008-08-23
--- On Fri, 8/22/08, Willy <wmjbutter@...> wrote:
From: Willy <wmjbutter@...>
Subject: Re: [Pali] do u like to learn pali
To:, sumanaathale@...
Date: Friday, August 22, 2008, 8:10 AM
I believe my friend Mark Byrne has already written directly. I am also interested in studying Pali. I live in Seoul. If I understand correctly, the course must be at 8-930 am Bejing time. This is suitable for me. I already have copies of the books. Please inform as to what edition of the book would be used for the class.
----- Original Message ----
From: Sumana Athale <sumanaathale@>
To: Pali@... com
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 9:01:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Pali] do u like to learn pali
if you have more than 10 student i can starte the class. i use the Skype cast. some one have to sponse and be a leadr of the class. now a days i teach Chinese student useing skype cast. it is good way. class must be Monday and thuersday morning 8,oclock to 9.30 in Being time.Then you have to find The New Pali course writen by A.P. Buddhadatta maha thero.
with metta
Rev Athale Sumana
--- On Thu, 8/21/08, gsirani <gsirani@... com> wrote:
From: gsirani <gsirani@... com>
Subject: [Pali] do u like to learn pali
To: Pali@... com
Date: Thursday, August 21, 2008, 4:05 AM
if you wish to learn pali as a beginer. now we hava a sri lankan
buddhist monk Rev athale Sumana thero hope to teach. but he ask me that
he want at least 10 student who want to learn pali. we can leran useing
skype cast. actualy i am not going to learn.because i am busy with
study.the person who like to leran ogrnize a calass in skype cast.
with metta
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