Dear friends,
One thing we all must learn is that no language can be completely translated (with all its essence) in English. What seems similar in english, i.e. "to the village" & "to the mountain" is actually different if considered in Pali / Sanskrit (and relatively in Hindi too). In case of mountain, the sense is "on the mountain" and therefore it is different from "to the village".
The case, in this case, is no doubt sattami.
with best regards,
--- On Mon, 7/14/08, Irene <irenewan@...> wrote:
From: Irene <irenewan@...>
Subject: [Pali] Re: what is the cases
Date: Monday, July 14, 2008, 3:20 AM
Dear Friend:
See book page 18:here " 3rd,to the mountain" 13th " to the village "
must be translate with accusative as giri.m, gaama.m
7th " to the sages" must be in the dative.because the person to whom
some thing is given is put in the Dative.
Ong Yong Peng <pali.smith@... com> ��
Dear Shirani and Aditya,
1. the case (kaaraka) is accusative
2. the case-ending (vibhatti) is .m (for singular masculine -a nouns)
Yong Peng.
--- In Pali@... com, geekiyanage shirani wrote:
it is same "i go to vilage" here vilage is dutiya vibakti . to the
mountain is similer there for it is dutiya. not sattami
> He carried a monkey to the mountain.
> here "to the mountain" what is the case or Vibakti
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