Dear Friend:

See book page 18:here " 3rd,to the mountain" 13th " to the village "
must be translate with accusative as giri.m, gaama.m

7th " to the sages" must be in the dative.because the person to whom
some thing is given is put in the Dative.


Ong Yong Peng <pali.smith@...> 写锟斤拷锟�
Dear Shirani and Aditya,

1. the case (kaaraka) is accusative
2. the case-ending (vibhatti) is .m (for singular masculine -a nouns)

Yong Peng.

--- In, geekiyanage shirani wrote:

it is same "i go to��vilage" here vilage is dutiya vibakti . to the
mountain is similer� there for it is dutiya. not sattami

> He carried a monkey to the mountain.
> here "to the mountain" what is the case or Vibakti


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