2. All beings, who live in land or in water, are not able to support
their lives without food.

3. Those who give food, clothes and other things to the beggars, are
praised by the other people living in those districts.

4. The Blessed One sat on a jewelled throne, given by the Naaga chiefs
of Ceylon, when He visited the island.

5. On the next day, when the priests entered the village, they saw
that the hall had not been swept, the mats had not been spread, and
the drinking water had not been placed.

6. "But now, surrounded by her children and her children's children,
she walks singing round and round the building." [B.T. 479]

7. "When Visaakhaa heard the word 'saints' she was greatly
delighted... But when she came to the place where they were eating,
and beheld them, she was angry with the treasurer." [B.T. 465]

8. "Long ago, Aananda, there was a king, by name Mahaa-Sudassana, a
king of kings... lord of the four quarters of the earth, conqueror,
the protector of his people." [L.G.B. 217]

9. "There they passed the day in paying honour, reverence, respect and
homage to the remains of the Exalted One with dancing and hymns, and
music, and with garlands and perfumes; and in making canopies." [Ibid.

10. "When he had thus spoken the venerable Aananda said to the
wanderer Subhadda: Enough, friend Subhadda, trouble not the
Tathaagata. The Exalted One is weary." [Ibid. 220]

New Words.

artisan = sippii (m).
building = geha, paasaada (m).
district = padesa (m).
enough = ala.m (indec).
goldsmith = suva.n.nakaara (m).
[had been] swept = sammajjita, samma.t.tha (pp).
[had been] spread = atthata (pp).
[had been] placed = .thapita.
hymn = giita (n).
jewelled throne = ma.nipalla`nka (m).
mat = kila~nja (m).
not able = asamattha (adj).
paying honour = sakkaronta (pr.p).
paying respect = maanenta (pr.p).
remains [of the Exalted One] = [Tathaagata-]sariira (n).
round and round = parisamantato (indec).
singing = gaayanta (pr.p).
thing = upakara.na, bha.n.da (n).
to support = bharitu.m (inf).
troubles = viheseti (v).
wanderer = sa~ncaaraka, paribbaajaka (m).
weary = kilanta (adj).

(4) Primary Derivatives that are Indeclinable

155. "-tu.m" and "-tave" are suffixed to the roots or the bases in
order to form infinitives. (-tave is employed only in verse)

(1) They are joined with an additional i to the roots ending in a and u.
(2) They are directly added to the roots ending in aa.