Thanks Nina, very useful device.

With metta,

Piya Tan

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 3:14 AM, Nina van Gorkom <vangorko@...> wrote:

> Dear Gabriel and friends,
> I installed VRI for the Pali diacritical signs. A friend very kindly
> gave me a pad to convert text into Velthuis.
> I like to share it. You put the Pali with diacritical signs to the
> left side and to the right will come the Velthuis.
> Nina.
> Op 24-jun-2008, om 17:26 heeft Gabriel Jaeger het volgende geschreven:
> > Please, if you could send in both Unicode and velthuis encoding,
> > would be very kind.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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