5. Then the householder thinking that sitting there he would see his
son, sitting at the same place, became glad, and having saluted the
Blessed One, sat down near Him.
6. "Then, as he went along, he saw the peasants ploughing, the fields
in soiled garments, covered with dust blown by hot winds." [Ps.B.47]
7. "All the while she was talking, the Brahmans were beholding the
splendour of her teeth... and having applauded her speech, they took
the gold wreath, and placed it on her head." [B.T.457]
8. "The day before she was to depart, the treasurer sat in his room
and had his daughter sit by him, and he admonished her, telling the
rules of conduct she should adopt when she came to dwell in her
husband's family." [Ibid. 462]
9. "Migaara the treasurer rode in a conveyance behind the others, and
beholding a great crowd of people following, he asked, 'Pray, who are
these?'" [Ibid. 463]
10. "So she entered the city standing in her chariot, and showing
herself to the whole town." [Ibid. 461]
New Words.
aged = mahallaka, vuddha (adj).
anointed = abbha~njita (pp).
announces = aaroceti (v).
applauds = abhitthavati (v).
as he went along = use the locative of "gacchanta".
battlefield = yuddhabhuumi (f).
bearing = dhaarenta (pr.p).
behind = pacchato (indec).
beholding = passanta (pr.p).
blown [by wind] = vaayita.
conveyance = yaana (n).
disappeared = antarahita (pp).
driving = paajenta (pr.p).
fallen = patita (pp).
great crowd = mahaasamuuha (m).
honoured = maanita (pp).
leaning on a staff = da.n.da-paraaya.na (adj).
moves off = apagacchati (v).
peasant = gaamika, jaanapadika (m).
praised = abhitthuta, pasa.msita (pp).
pray [use an addressing word like bho here].
respected = garukata (pp).
roof-gable = gopaanasii (f).
rules of conduct = sikkhaa (f). samaacaara (m).
should be adopted = vattetabba (pot.p).
soiled = malina, pa.msumakkhita (pp).
splendour of teeth = danta-kalyaa.na (n).
talking = kathenta (pr.p).
telling = vadanta (pr.p).
tottering = pavedhamaana (pr.p).
would be fitting = yutta (pp).
wounded = paharita, va.nita, khata (pp).
(3) Primary Derivatives that are not Participles
(These are active and do not denote any particular tense.)
151. ".Na" may be suffixed to transitive roots when there is an object
before them.
kumbha.m + karA + .na = kumbhakaara (potter)
ratha.m + karA + .na = rathakaara (chariot maker, carpenter)
gantha.m + karA + .na = ganthakaara (author of a book)