Thanks Jim.

But besides the grammar does the Saddaniti, Suttamala say something about the meaning of the root “Buddh”?

As I posted before the article that I found mention three meanings for “Buddha”:

1-to know, understand (avagamana)

2-Awake or destruction of the sleep state (niddakkhaya,)

3-open or blossom (vikasana)

It says that this three meanings have as source the texts edited in the sixth Buddhist Council
Visuddhimagga, i 203.
Sìlakkhandhavagga Åìka pág. 10.
Saddanìti, Dhàtumàlà, pág. 228, 230.
Saddanìti, Suttamàlà, §1144.

I find a passage in the “Visuddhimagga” that seems to be related with the meaning of the option “3”:

[[[[SL Page 231] [\x 231/]
Bujjhitvā vikasamānamiva padumaṃ sukaṃ nibbikāraṃ paṭibujjhati [PTS Page 312] [\q 312/] ]]]] (Visuddhimagga- "The Path of Purification")

For my poor pali knowledge I was not able to grasp the full meaning of this passage e so I am not sure about its relation with the third meaning…could anyone helps with that?

I did not find the text “Sìlakkhandhavagga Åìka pág. 10.” To check if it contains any passages relating with the three meanings given too… Does anyone know about it?

Regarding the Saddanìti, Dhàtumàlà and the Saddanìti, Suttamàlà as I do not have Access to this books at hand I could not check. Does anyone have them and would be able to check what it says about the words “buddha”, “avagamana”, “niddhakkhaya” and “vikasana”?

Wonderful the opportunity to learn about the full meaning of the Word buddha!

Thanks to all!

All the best,


From: [] On Behalf Of Jim Anderson
Sent: 19 June 2008 20:08
Subject: Re: [Pali] Re: buddha

Dear Gabriel,

> Saddanìti, Suttamàlà, §1144.

Sd 1144 prescribes the primary suffix /ta/ after the verbal root /budh/ in
the formation of the agent-noun /buddha/. Then, according to Sd 1179, /dha/
is substituted for /ta/ and, according to Sd 1216, /d/ is substituted for
the /dh/ of the root /budh/ and this gives us the formation /buddha/ (budh +
ta > budh + dha > bud + dha > buddha).

Best wishes,

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