Dear Gabriel,
Op 9-jun-2008, om 15:49 heeft Gabriel Jaeger het volgende geschreven:
> As for the kind answer of Nina, I would like to ask if there is an
> pali
> source for the passage posted regarding the meaning of Buddha from the
> Paramatthajotik�?
What I mean is if is available this passage in pali transliterated
N: I only have the English: Minor readings and Illustrator, P.T.S.
Thus, this is the Khuddakapaa.tha and Commentary.
It is taken from the first sutta: the Three Refuges.
Thank you for your analysis, giving different languages.
You write: <If you ask a Sanskrit pandit what this means, he will
probably refer you to
the Paniniya-dhatu-kosa, which gives a one-word meaning for each verb
For �buddh�, it gives �avagamana�. The basic meaning of avagamana is
�realization�. >
Very interesting. I read in the Commentary to the Khuddakapaa.tha : <
And as to this quotation, [the active and middle voice usage] 'he is
the discoverer of the Truths, thus he is enlightened [bujjhitaa
saccanii ti buddho]' is stated in the same way as in the world
[outside the Dispensation] a 'descender into
(understander)' (avagantaa) is called a 'descended one
(understood)' (avagato)....>
Perhaps you can find the complete Pali text on metta net? Under
Khuddakapaa.tha ?
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