Dear Gabriel,
Op 3-jun-2008, om 17:43 heeft Gabriel Jaeger het volgende geschreven:
> Could anyone help me in finding passages in the p�li kanon about the
> etymology and meaning of the term �Buddha�?
> Is there any mention why and how the prince Siddharta after his
> enlightment
> was called Buddha, and what it was mean by calling him in this way?
N: What is the meaning of the word �Buddha�? The Illustrator of
Ultimate Meaning (the �Paramatthajotik��, a commentary to the �Minor
Readings�, Khuddaka Nik�ya) explains, in the commentary to the �Three
Refuges�, the meaning of the word �Buddha�:
... and this is said, �Buddha�: in what sense buddha? He is the
discoverer (bujjhit�) of the Truths, thus he is enlightened (buddha).
He is the enlightener (bodhet�) of the generation, thus he is
enlightened. He is enlightened by omniscience, enlightened by seeing
all, enlightened without being led by others... he is quite without
defilement, thus he is enlightened; he has travelled by the Path that
goes in only one way, thus he is enlightened; he alone discovered the
peerless complete enlightenment, thus he is enlightened; ... Buddha:
this is not a name made by a mother, made by a father... this (name)
�Buddha�, which signifies final liberation, is a realistic
description of Enlightened Ones, Blessed Ones, together with their
obtainment of omniscient knowledge at the root of an enlightenment
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