Thank you Mahinda, John, and Jim;

If a commentary is needed to resolve subtle differences in meaning,
it's easy to see how versions of the Tipitaka have "forked" over time.

Still have to write it out with diacritics to really see what is going
on, but bracketing roughly the subtle difference in meaning seems to
hinge on ".thaana" and the middle compound:

constant engagement (anuyoga) in [[heedlessness]- causing] gambling]
[juuta-[ppamaada- .t.thaana]]anuyoga .m
indulgence in [[a state of [negligence] from] gambling]

In literary Burmese I think you see something analogous to this sort
of compounding that has to be unwound to reach some understanding and
which has variable interpretation in translation, most preferring to

I wonder whether these compounds are more common in the more
philosophical pieces and less common in narratives like Jataka and
Dhammapada commentary?

Thanks again,