Dear Nina and Jon,
This is how I would proceed: juuta-ppamaada-.t.thaana-anuyoga = indulgence
(anuyoga) in the state (.thaana) of gambling (juuta) and
heedlessness/heedless living (pamaada). The trsl can then be improved by
dropping "the state of".
(1) .thaana gives something like an abstract or collective meaning to a
word/words preceding it. See PTSD s.v. .thaana. It comes from IE st(h)aa, as
does English 'state'.
(2) In translating a long compound, I have found that it helps to begin from
the end and work backwards. Thus anuyoga -> .thaana-> juuta-ppamaada (
dvandva cpd which can be treated as a unit).
On 3/13/08, Nina van Gorkom <vangorko@...> wrote:
> Dear Jon,
> Op 13-mrt-2008, om 8:19 heeft Jon Fernquest het volgende geschreven:
> > Think I understand:
> > jûta gaming, gambling (nt.)
> > pamâda (m.) negligence; indolence; remissness; carelessness.
> > ṭhâna cause (v.t.),
> >
> > But "nuyoge" ?
> >
> > nu : affirmative indefinite particle
> > yoga : [m.] connection, linkage; bond; endeavour; conjunction;
> > attachment; effort; mixture.
> -------
> N: anuyoga: practice of, devotion to.
> Nina.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]