Dear Jim,
thank you very much for the translation. Without this gloss we would
not know that -to can stand for a genetive. Not so easy to find out
by oneself when it is in a text.
Op 12-mrt-2008, om 18:55 heeft Jim Anderson het volgende geschreven:

> > > Excerpt from the commentary (also on page 128):
> > > tattha ya.m parato daanapaccayaati ya.m parato tassa parassa
> > > daanapaccayaa tena dinnattaa labbhati, ta.m yaacitakasadisa.m
> > > hoti, tasmaa naaha.m eta.m icchaami.
> Therein "ya.m parato daanapaccayaa" : what (is obtained) owing to
> another's (tassa parassa) condition of generosity because of what was
> given by him, that is like borrowing, therefore, I do not want this.

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