in sanskrit, I have come across madhya.m pada lopii samaas (where a samaas
is composed of 3 parts but the middle one disappears (lopa) in the compound
-- as it is contextually understood)

Aadi-sadda-lopa seems to suggest that the first term disappears and is
contextually indicated (niddesso) and understood.


On 3/11/08, Piya Tan <dharmafarer@...> wrote:
> Dear John (or anyone else),
> What does this sentence mean?
> *Niddasavatthnii ti aadi-saddalopenaaya.m niddeso ti *(DAT 3:334)
> *Aadi-sadda-lopa*: this is surely a grammatical term. Do the ancient
> grammars mention it? What does this mean?
> Thanks & metta,
> Piya
> --
> The Minding Centre
> Blk 644 Bukit Batok Central #01-68 (2nd flr)
> Singapore 650644
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