Dear Jim,
Could you give an example of the genetive of the -to suffix? And
what does this suffix especially do? This suffix always interested
me. It must have a special fucntion.
I ask this in case you have not gone to your lonely cottage?
Op 9-mrt-2008, om 16:19 heeft Jim Anderson het volgende geschreven:

> Yes, the -to suffix can be used in the plural as well as the singular.
> In the Saddaniiti, sutta rule no. 492 (tvaadayo ekabahvatthesu
> vibhattisa~n~naa) with its gloss makes this clear. Also, according to
> the following rule (Sd 493 with examples), the -to suffix can also be
> used in the locative, instrumental, and genitive cases besides the
> ablative.

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